Friday, March 28, 2008

This weekend's films

So this will be the double feature Saturday night. Should be a great double feature, even though we won't get started till after 10PM.

Added bonus! I thought that our practice for this Saturday had fallen through due to scheduling issues, but I found out today it was back on! Thank goodness, I have some serious anger to work out after this week. We had a major upgrade that seemed to go excellent at first, but now quite a few issues have appeared and made me work until 1am every night this week. So tired.

Only 1 hour until happy hour beer.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

This is my new favorite video ever.

So intruder wasn't terrible, wasn't great. Had a TON of the original evil dead cast in it, so as an exercise in figuring out who was who was a good time.

Unfortunately we didn't make it to Mulberry St, with easter and the family just didn't have time to hang out. But Easter brunch was good.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Like a Robot, Robot

So on the docket for this weekend:

Bruce Campbell AND Sam Raimi?  How have I not seen this before now? 


General disposition today, ok.  I'm really glad it's Friday.  We have a big upgrade next week that I'm kind of dreading, but on the upside, our fence has been completed and looks great, and that was one of the big checklist items on THE LIST.  I really want to replace the couch I've had for 10 years or more, but it wasn't in quite such bad shape as our fence.  Hopefully in the next 6 months or so. 

Happy hour today, hooray! 

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Words. Are worth a thousand pictures.

So my blog has been wordless for a while now.

For a very long time, I used my blog as a psychological test on myself.  When I was young (18 or so), I realized I was the absolute worst person at sharing anything with other people.   I've regressed back to this point.  I spent years typing my thoughts out to the completely anonymous Internet readership, and used that as my therapy.   I blogged almost every day for years, generally with quite a bit of rancor about people in general, women in particular, the government whenever it bugged me.  I posted short stories, poetry, all sorts of madness.

And suddenly, I closed up again.  Everything was kind of ok for once, I didn't really want to take any risks at spoiling it I suppose.  I started worrying about what people thought of me, how they judge me, how I would answer for things I did.  Essentially, destroying all that therapy I did.  I didn't want to rant against the world, because I didn't want the world to rant back. 

So at this point, I'm kind of collapsing inward.  I'm becoming extremely sensitive about everything, and taking a lot of things personally or to heart that are retarded, and should just bounce off me (as they would in the past).  I'm very tired of it, so it's therapy time again.  It's on, bitches.


(quick search for insane turned this up)

Monday, March 03, 2008