I'm personally extra pissed about this. I didn't get to go to the Radiohead show because I refuse to support scalpers, and then you hear about some shit like this.
reprinted from the consumerist
Ticketmaster is directing fans seeking hard-to-find Radiohead tickets to a ticket-reselling partner website called "Tickets Now."
From AtEaseWeb.com (a Radiohead fansite):
Radiohead purchased ads in print and on radio to promote the sales of their concert tickets on Ticketmaster, but after those tickets are sold out on Ticketmaster, customers using the Ticketmaster website see a page with options with the "Find Tickets" link directing customers to TicketsNow, which is listed as Ticketmaster's "partner site." However, TicketsNow is a secondary ticket seller owned by Ticketmaster.
Ticketnews.com reveals that a source close to the situation, who requested anonymity, a TicketsNow executive helped assist with the sale of more than $1 million worth of Radiohead tickets on the TicketsNow website, which at a margin of 25 percent allowed TicketsNow to generate a gross of more than $250,000 from the deal.
Radiohead fans aren't too pleased about this arrangement, as you might imagine.
If Ticketmaster was a person, I think we would come up with some very creative ways of dealing with him. While I hated Ticketmaster before, I am now on Ticketmaster boycott. It's going to take a hell of a show to get me to purchase anything from these fuckers ever again.