Sunday, December 31, 2006
Ring in the new year, Wii-less.
Well, I still have no new Nintendo. I had a great chance at getting one recently, I was in gamestop pre-ordering two copies of the Burning Crusade, the new expansion to WoW, and the sales guy told me they should be getting Wiis in on the UPS shipment that afternoon. Wouldn't let me preorder or anything of the like, apparently after they're released no more preordering. So I waited, and waited. And waited. For the (at this point) exceedingly late UPS truck. By the time the truck got there, there were 4 people waiting around for a chance at the Wii.
Alas, it was not to be. The truck arrived, and that day, there were no Wii's to be had. Looks like I won't be playing until 2007.
Soon my Wii.. Soon....
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Nintendo Wii
So as a 360 owner, I've been ignoring the Wii since launch. I didn't want to buy it, I know it has the new Zelda, but I was halfway hoping it would die on impact and keep me from buying multiple consoles this generation. Obviously from the post a few days ago, I didn't want to buy another Gamecube that had a few great games over the course of several years. Then of course, Tomasland had me over to play it, and now I have to have one. I'm amazed at how intuitive the control is. It makes every game feel like the huge motion sensitive games at the arcade. It's so much more intuitive to just swing your controller like a golf club, instead of hitting a button as you start to swing, hit a button as you stop to swing.
Of course, the hardest game to win at this point is finding one. Hopefully in a few days I'll be posting my impressions of the new Zelda.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Backwoods Cephalopods

Here's what scares me. After all this time, I'm actually starting to "get" the show. I can't figure out whether the show has gotten better, or I've just become so accustomed to the animation and characters that they've become more entertaining. Initially, I really felt like it was something that would run for a few episodes and then die quietly in the dead of night, never to be heard from again.
At this point though, I think they're building a loyal fanbase. It might be around for awhile.
Anyone else watching this insanity??
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Requiem for a Gamecube

Rest in Peace my console. I hardly knew ye.
Except for all the dusting of you I had to do when I wasn't playing a console that had games released for it.
In memoriam....
Eternal Darkness
Super Mario Sunshine
Super Smash Bros Melee
Zelda : The Windwaker (Along with what is still my favorite preorder bonus ever)
Mario Kart Double Dash
Metroid Prime
Animal Crossing
Final Fantasy : Crystal Chronicles
Resident Evil 4 (Sure it eventually came to PS2, but GC had it exclusively for almost a year! I'm counting it, it was amazing on GC).
Oh my old friend, we had some good times. You had the first wireless controllers I ever truly loved, before that they were all 3rd party and never as good as the wired versions.
You forced me to buy the component cables DIRECT from Nintendo, the only console that has ever done such a thing, and I spent my 50 dollars and still forgave you, as I hit yes on the "Load progressive scan?" screen with a smile.
You made grown men play animal crossing with their children, girlfriends, or wives. We played it for them, but we turned it on when they weren't around to see if we had mail. And maybe go fishing.
Your cute little discs sat side by side with my conventional sized 4.7 GB discs, staring them in the face as if you were just as big as they were.
You gave us the hope of a sequel to the Wind Waker, a great game that was almost destroyed by a 5 hour sailing session at the end, leaving a bad taste in everyone's mouths.
We hoped and prayed to have a triumphant sendoff before your final requiem. One that never came.
Farewell my Console. Perhaps Wii will meet again.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Well, the patch day came and went. The servers were down for about an extra 8 hours, not surprising considering the amount of stuff changed in the patch.
So right now, I'm having kind of a Eureka mini-marathon with all the repeat episodes I saved on my tivo (the first run of the season is over). I have to say, this show definately endeared itself to me, while it's not the most intelligent or well written show, it is definitely enjoyable, and generally nice and happy ending.
Has anyone who reads my insane ramblings been watching Heroes?? I really felt like while this season did spend 80% of it's time building up character backgrounds (a necessary evil when you're trying to flesh out SO man characters), it really gained momentum in the last few episodes, and I can't wait to see the rest of the season after the new year.
My grandparent's are celebrating their 59th wedding anniversary this week. We're going out for dinner with the whole family tonight (tex-mex) and doing the celebration thing. 59 years! Good lord. I can't even conceive of it. That's twice my lifespan at this point, and they've been married that long, and still seem to be happy. Some days I don't feel like I'm going to be happy for the next 20 minutes.
So on the Eureka I'm watching, an android built by a notoriously unfeeling C.E.O. of a major corporation just died (or ceased functioning). The C.E.O. cried for him. It's a nice show.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Better now!
Well, I'm feeling better. Which is awesome. First off:
There, that should be in everyone's head for a few days. Such a catchy tune.
Moving on, today is WoWmageddon. They're rolling out a 500MB patch to every single client. Can you imagine?? 500MB on dial-up?? That's insanity!!
More to come later as the fallout hits.