Rest in Peace my console. I hardly knew ye.
Except for all the dusting of you I had to do when I wasn't playing a console that had games released for it.
In memoriam....
Eternal Darkness
Super Mario Sunshine
Super Smash Bros Melee
Zelda : The Windwaker (Along with what is still my favorite preorder bonus ever)
Mario Kart Double Dash
Metroid Prime
Animal Crossing
Final Fantasy : Crystal Chronicles
Resident Evil 4 (Sure it eventually came to PS2, but GC had it exclusively for almost a year! I'm counting it, it was amazing on GC).
Oh my old friend, we had some good times. You had the first wireless controllers I ever truly loved, before that they were all 3rd party and never as good as the wired versions.
You forced me to buy the component cables DIRECT from Nintendo, the only console that has ever done such a thing, and I spent my 50 dollars and still forgave you, as I hit yes on the "Load progressive scan?" screen with a smile.
You made grown men play animal crossing with their children, girlfriends, or wives. We played it for them, but we turned it on when they weren't around to see if we had mail. And maybe go fishing.
Your cute little discs sat side by side with my conventional sized 4.7 GB discs, staring them in the face as if you were just as big as they were.
You gave us the hope of a sequel to the Wind Waker, a great game that was almost destroyed by a 5 hour sailing session at the end, leaving a bad taste in everyone's mouths.
We hoped and prayed to have a triumphant sendoff before your final requiem. One that never came.
Farewell my Console. Perhaps Wii will meet again.
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