Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Dear New Years Santa
Thank you new years santa!!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Sugar - You didn't even know you were a drug addict
Excess sugar consumption also upsets the balance of intestinal flora in your digestive tract and can cause symptoms of intestinal distress such as bloating, cramping, and gas (for more on this, see our section on digestion). Other symptoms of sugar sensitivity are headaches, insomnia, aggression, panic attacks, irritability, mood swings, and depression. Too much sugar can deplete levels of serotonin, the neurotransmitter whose deficiency is linked to depression. What’s worse, low levels of serotonin actually trigger more sugar cravings.
Long-term sugar intolerance leads to type 2 diabetes and other complications like obesity and inflammation. Drinking more than one soda a day raises your risk of serious weight gain by 80%.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Because nothing says "I love you" like shiny rocks.
"The time you got hammered and ruined your wedding dress playing soccer?"
If only he had tucked
I think my life will be better from now on if I start each day watching some idiot "journalist on the scene" get hit by something hard and fast moving. When did journalism start to mean "stands outside in giant rainstorms like a moron"?
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Friday, December 05, 2008
People are strange
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Bah, as if some kid now days would be hiding magazines under his bed. They have the internets for FREE!!!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
Obama, the new Roosevelt?

Time for some cozy Youtube Fireside Chats!
Franklin Delano Roosevelt had his fireside chats, Richard Nixon had hours and hours of taped administration discussions, and George W. Bush domestic spying initiatives. Every president has his own way of introducing his own concept of transparency into the White House.
But only Barack Obama's will be going head to head with the newest Katy Perry video...
President-elect Obama's office gave the media a new way to present him as Franklin Roosevelt 2.0 by announcing Friday that it will be posting weekly addresses -- fireside chats for the web generation - on YouTube.
The first address will appear on this Saturday, after it airs in audio. An Obama spokesperson says that this innovation is just the beginning of the digital, transparent presidency.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Barack Obama -- a guy who's totally not even the sitting President of the United States -- held a press conference in Chicago today to discuss his response to the nation's failing economy, like he thinks he's all hot shit and stuff...
"I do not underestimate the enormity of the task that lies ahead," Mr. Obama said at his first news conference since his victory over Senator John McCain on Tuesday. He said he was certain that "some difficult choices" will have to be made.
"It's not going to be quick, and it's not going to be easy to dig ourselves out of the hole that we're in," Mr. Obama said.
And not once during his speech did he make an inappropriate remark about sex, race or physical deformities of any of the dozens of reporters in attendance. Not even Candy Crowley. In fact, he even went so far as conduct himself with decorum and an air of studied intelligence and restraint. Because, I guess he's all cool like that, ya know. Jeeze.
Oh, and get a load of this. He was standing before a large group of financial advisors, drawn from a pool of the most competent and accomplished economic and political experts in the nation. What a bunch of shit!
I guess this is what you can look forward to for the next four years, America. Get used to it.
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Why does the world hate america? These are the people we send as diplomats!
Tourist Shop | Vancouver, BC, Canada
American customer: “Your flag is just so pretty. I love maple leaves. Does it come in blue?”
Me: “Um, no, sorry, only red.”
American customer: “That’s a shame. My kitchen is blue, and it would look so pretty on the wall. You should make them in other colours.”
Me: “…”
Canadian customer behind her: “That’s a good point. I’ve always thought the stars-and-stripes would look great in earth tones.”
American customer: “Our flag is ALWAYS red, white and blue! Honestly, Canadians are so stupid sometimes.”
Monday, October 13, 2008
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
2 Things that make the internet win today
Friday, July 18, 2008
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
This is probably the best short movie review blurb ever.
When Theresa learns she is pregnant, she decides she's not ready for the responsibilities of motherhood and opts to have an abortion. Little does she know that the spirit of the fetus she terminated will return to seek its revenge.
Monday, July 07, 2008
Saturday, July 05, 2008
Friday, July 04, 2008
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
The Seven Most Unhealthy Carnival Foods
One large cone of spun sugar is 200 calories. It's practically health food.
6. Snow Cones
The sugary syrup used is 100 calories an ounce. A 12 oz. snow cone will end up being 550 calories, depending on how syrup-heavy you take it.
5. Corn Dogs
a.k.a the "nitratesicle" contains 375 calories and 21 grams of fat and 1170 mg. of sodium.
4. Deep Fried Twinkie
One deep fried Twinkie contains 420 calories and 32 grams of fat. That doesn't include any sugar or jelly topping.
3. Deep Fried Oreos
Each cookie contains 157 calories and 10.1 grams of fat.
2. Funnel Cake
An 8.3 oz. cake contains 760 calories, 44 grams of fat, 80 grams of carbs and 20 mg. of cholesterol.
1. Deep Fried Candy Bars
Everything from Snickers, Mars, Milkyway and 3 Musketeers is deep-fried and slapped on a stick. A king-size, deep-fried bar has over 700 calories and 44 grams of fat.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
I bring you LIFE
Here's my first creature, made it in about 5 minutes. Sir Waddleton.

Friday, June 13, 2008
the nearest sound captivates me,
first intrigued, then irate.
I work towards it to become farther away.
Flicker. The dim brightness.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Bumblebee Dance.
Friday, June 06, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
I've actually seen the musical, and just in case you were wondering:
Yes, I sat in the splatter zone and got completely covered in blood. It was awesome.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Monday, May 19, 2008
Saturday, May 17, 2008
The most evil company in America?
reprinted from the consumerist
Ticketmaster is directing fans seeking hard-to-find Radiohead tickets to a ticket-reselling partner website called "Tickets Now."
From (a Radiohead fansite):
Radiohead purchased ads in print and on radio to promote the sales of their concert tickets on Ticketmaster, but after those tickets are sold out on Ticketmaster, customers using the Ticketmaster website see a page with options with the "Find Tickets" link directing customers to TicketsNow, which is listed as Ticketmaster's "partner site." However, TicketsNow is a secondary ticket seller owned by Ticketmaster. reveals that a source close to the situation, who requested anonymity, a TicketsNow executive helped assist with the sale of more than $1 million worth of Radiohead tickets on the TicketsNow website, which at a margin of 25 percent allowed TicketsNow to generate a gross of more than $250,000 from the deal.
Radiohead fans aren't too pleased about this arrangement, as you might imagine.
If Ticketmaster was a person, I think we would come up with some very creative ways of dealing with him. While I hated Ticketmaster before, I am now on Ticketmaster boycott. It's going to take a hell of a show to get me to purchase anything from these fuckers ever again.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Wow. Just Wow.
Probably the Nerdiest thing ever. And that's saying something. Sure sounds pretty though. And the liquor helps. - Watch more free videos
Monday, April 07, 2008
Friday, March 28, 2008
This weekend's films
So this will be the double feature Saturday night. Should be a great double feature, even though we won't get started till after 10PM.
Added bonus! I thought that our practice for this Saturday had fallen through due to scheduling issues, but I found out today it was back on! Thank goodness, I have some serious anger to work out after this week. We had a major upgrade that seemed to go excellent at first, but now quite a few issues have appeared and made me work until 1am every night this week. So tired.
Only 1 hour until happy hour beer.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
This is my new favorite video ever.
So intruder wasn't terrible, wasn't great. Had a TON of the original evil dead cast in it, so as an exercise in figuring out who was who was a good time.
Unfortunately we didn't make it to Mulberry St, with easter and the family just didn't have time to hang out. But Easter brunch was good.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Like a Robot, Robot
So on the docket for this weekend:
Bruce Campbell AND Sam Raimi? How have I not seen this before now?
General disposition today, ok. I'm really glad it's Friday. We have a big upgrade next week that I'm kind of dreading, but on the upside, our fence has been completed and looks great, and that was one of the big checklist items on THE LIST. I really want to replace the couch I've had for 10 years or more, but it wasn't in quite such bad shape as our fence. Hopefully in the next 6 months or so.
Happy hour today, hooray!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Words. Are worth a thousand pictures.
So my blog has been wordless for a while now.
For a very long time, I used my blog as a psychological test on myself. When I was young (18 or so), I realized I was the absolute worst person at sharing anything with other people. I've regressed back to this point. I spent years typing my thoughts out to the completely anonymous Internet readership, and used that as my therapy. I blogged almost every day for years, generally with quite a bit of rancor about people in general, women in particular, the government whenever it bugged me. I posted short stories, poetry, all sorts of madness.
And suddenly, I closed up again. Everything was kind of ok for once, I didn't really want to take any risks at spoiling it I suppose. I started worrying about what people thought of me, how they judge me, how I would answer for things I did. Essentially, destroying all that therapy I did. I didn't want to rant against the world, because I didn't want the world to rant back.
So at this point, I'm kind of collapsing inward. I'm becoming extremely sensitive about everything, and taking a lot of things personally or to heart that are retarded, and should just bounce off me (as they would in the past). I'm very tired of it, so it's therapy time again. It's on, bitches.
(quick search for insane turned this up)
Monday, March 03, 2008
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Thanks to G
I'm pretty sure that Cell Phone is evil. Check out the look he gives her when he helps her up.