Friday, March 28, 2008

This weekend's films

So this will be the double feature Saturday night. Should be a great double feature, even though we won't get started till after 10PM.

Added bonus! I thought that our practice for this Saturday had fallen through due to scheduling issues, but I found out today it was back on! Thank goodness, I have some serious anger to work out after this week. We had a major upgrade that seemed to go excellent at first, but now quite a few issues have appeared and made me work until 1am every night this week. So tired.

Only 1 hour until happy hour beer.

1 comment:

G said...

Ya, I'll be so asleep when ya'll do this.

Oh, and to answer your question: When Hufflepuffs trip on mushrooms, it's only natural that they start freaking out that Slytherin is around.